Posting is allowed for Celebrity members only.

Please complete [Switch to a Celebrity account] first.

We supports text, images, and video uploads.

The limit of upload per media is as follows:

Text: 5,000 characters or less (Englsih/Korean/special characters), <, > of special characters, are not allowed by security policy.

Image: not more than 10 photos

Video: 500MB or less recommended

 For videos, we are using the Vimeo service. Video file conversion is required when uploading, so it may not be possible to watch the video immediately after uploading.


  1. Tap the Vote button at the bottom of the posting window.
  2.  Create questions and fill options.

  3. You can add options by pressing the plus button on the right.

  4. Set the voting deadline. The vote will be closed after the set time.

  5. Press the Post button to start voting.

  6. You can view the results after the vote has started.